
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pretty Little Things

I received something very special in the post yesterday.... photos to come soon. I have a doctors appointment today in Redwood City and am going to try to walk home from it...We'll see if I make it or frantically call a cab. The weather has been so nice the past couple of days, I'm trying to spend as much time outside as possible. Last night I walked to the train station and was struck by how beautiful it is here. I really like Palo Alto and am trying to enjoy every single moment we have here. Even if we stay in CA I'm not sure we'd be able to stay in this town, so I'll take it while I can.


Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous post!

And great name for a blog!


flibbertygibbits said...

hehehe we call it "shallow alto" i do however like how bike friendly they are. hope to see you guys soon. it's already been too long.