
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Going Dotty...

So despite my predictions, I am not freaking out at all. Sheila sent me a reassuring email after visiting the wedding site and meeting with the new woman working there, so I'm fine. Well, fine with that... I'm dripping sweat all over the keyboard, I know, sorry....gross. I got back from work and then went for a run on a hot day...dumb, I know...and then I ate soup...again, dumb... and then I realized that I sat through an entire Rick Astley video on VH1 without changing the channel and caught myself singing along... is it the heat?...someone please help this girl...
In other news, I kind of like this swimsuit that I saw in In Style magazine. It's from Princesse Tam-Tam. It's called 'Arty' which I found funny. I like the colors... they remind me of those faded playground animals toys that bob about on springs.


Anonymous said...

i just stumbled onto your blog, I love! For many reasons... 1) I just got married and as soon as it is over you forget all about the planning and just remember the fun stuff- the dress, the party, the cake... it's fun to read about the nervousness leading up to it. 2) Your painting are lovely, they really are. 3) I like those things that bob up and down in the park!
